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November 20, 2009


Another logo ispired by my hometown that I did for no reason. Like The Chi (chicagoins) The D (detroitians) Or the Big Apple (no one really) Rochester is affectionately called the Roc by many of those who call the city home. The term is used mostly commonly by the cities small yet prominent hip hop crowd and other such ruffians. The full nick name is Rocity but people that just sounds awkward in conversation so its usually shortened to the ROC.
Any ways, I really do love the city and think it's a bummer that there are no sports teams with halfway decent logos to get on a New Era hat. So I thought I would take matters into my own hands and put some nice graphics out there representing the Flower city (yeah it's got some nice Lilacs, but also an insanely high violent crime rate, so watch your back!) I'm still looking for some funds and some partnership to help get this out there, so if you're interested, let me know!



In school, to procrastinate from doing lame logo projects I used to draw stupid characters in my sketchbook. The other day while struggling to come up with stupid characters for an illustration I'm working on, I put this logo together. 1975 is the name of a cool gallery up in Rochester.
It already has a logo, but I'm putting together a collection of unused logos I've designed for my next portfolio book; in there for sure!


November 12, 2009

]Boston UGHH[

2005 - designed the Underground Hip Hop logo

2009 - finally got a chance to go to Boston...and it was closed. just my luck.

still got some pictures of the logo in their storefront...and spotted tons of UGHH stickers all around downtown.